თარგი:Test wiki/validcode
This template can give:
- "notyetchecked" - default
- "valid" - a valid ISO 639 language code
- "invalid" - an invalid ISO 639 language code (i.e. will not be accepted by the langcom)
- "art" - artificial, constructed language
- "history" - language which is not spoken anymore (corresponds to "extinct", "historical" and "ancient" values of SIL)
- "existing" - all WMF projects exist in that language (Wikisource and Wikiversity don't count)
- "lower" - for a ISO 639-3 code, while there is a 639-1 code available (ISO 639-1 should be chosen if available)
- "macro" - a macrolanguage, defined by SIL, see http://www.sil.org/ISO639-3/scope.asp#M
- "collective" - collection of languages, defined by SIL, see http://www.sil.org/ISO639-3/scope.asp#C
- "nearext" - nearly extinct, a language with very few speakers left
- "special" - other situations
Note that this does NOT check whether the code is the same as the actual language the test is written in.
We can copy the codes e.g. from the SIL pages.
See also Special:SiteMatrix.