ყაზახეთი: გინორთი გინოჯინეფს შქას

დინორექ დილასჷ დინორექ ქეგიაძონუ
ჭ.რ. ბოტის შეცვლა: eo:Kazaĥioeo:Kazaĥujo
ვა რე რედაქტირაფაშ რეზიუმე
ღოზი 81:
* თარაზი 857.7 144 300 თარაზი (ჟამბილი)
==რესურსეფი ინტერნეტის==
<!-- Add links which are directly related to the article. The other external links should be added into the appropriate articles, like Culture, Media, History, etc. -->
* [http://northkazakhstan.com Kazakhstan national tour operator, Official website of KAZAKHSTAN-REISEN]
*[http://repository.library.georgetown.edu/handle/10822/552643 Caspian Pipeline Controversy] from the [http://repository.library.georgetown.edu/handle/10822/552494 Dean Peter Krogh Foreign Affairs Digital Archives]
* [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/country_profiles/1298071.stm Country Profile] from [[BBC News]]
* [http://www.state.gov/p/sca/ci/kz/ Kazakhstan] information from the [[United States Department of State]]
* [http://www.loc.gov/rr/international/amed/kazakhstan/kazakhstan.html Portals to the World] from the United States [[Library of Congress]]
* [http://ucblibraries.colorado.edu/govpubs/for/kazakhstan.htm Kazakhstan] at ''UCB Libraries GovPubs''
* [http://mfa.kz/ Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan]
* [http://www.worldbank.org.kz/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/COUNTRIES/ECAEXT/KAZAKHSTANEXTN/0,,contentMDK:20212143~menuPK:361895~pagePK:1497618~piPK:217854~theSitePK:361869,00.html World Bank Data & Statistics for Kazakhstan]
* [http://en.encyclopedia.kz/ Kazakhstan Internet Encyclopedia]
* [http://www.economist.com/node/21541853 Kazakhstan at 20 years of independence, The Economist, Dec 17th 2011]
* [http://www.economist.com/blogs/banyan/2011/12/unrest-kazakhstan "Blowing the lid off" - Unrest in Kazakhstan, The Economist, Dec 20th 2011]
* [http://www.jw-media.org/kaz/20111101.htm New Religion Law restricts religious freedom in Kazakhstan]
* [http://www.theregionaltourism.org The Region Initiative (TRI)]
*[http://www.kazakhstandiscovery.com/kazakhstan-facts.html Country Facts] from [http://www.kazakhstandiscovery.com/ Kazakhstan Discovery]
* [http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/hrrpt/2008/sca/119135.htm 2008 Human Rights Report: Kazakhstan. Department of State; Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor]
* [http://www.ifs.du.edu/ifs/frm_CountryProfile.aspx?Country=KZ Key Development Forecasts for Kazakhstan] from [[International Futures]]
; თარობა
* [http://www.mfa.kz/ Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan]
* [http://e.gov.kz/wps/portal?lang=en E-Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan]
* [http://en.government.kz/ Government of Kazakhstan]
* [http://www.akorda.kz/www/www_akorda_kz.nsf/index?OpenForm&lang=en President of the Republic of Kazakhstan]
* [https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/world-leaders-1/world-leaders-k/kazakhstan.html Chief of State and Cabinet Members]